CompuTrainer Rides

Congrats to those who rode last night’s 20K TT. Gentlemen, you did great. Please look forward to some interval work the next few sessions. Base rides on the weekend. Have fun, see you at the Powderhound!

Matthew Parks, USAT Level 1 Certified Coach

Triton MultiRider Indoor Cycling Center – Program Starts January 18th, Sign Up Today, Reservations Limited!


MultiRider Full House – Carmichael Training Systems, December 21, 2010.


Ride with your teammates this winter and find out what the rest of the triathlon world is talking about! Check it out — and  The Bozeman Triathlon Club operates the only MultiRider Indoor Cycling Center in the entire state of Montana. In its third year, and always sold out, the Triton indoor cycling program provides cycling training specificity, with power. Ride your bike, in the aero position, with your teammates, and train with power. Stay motivated this winter, have fun with your teammates, start base phase training, and plug into this incredible Club venue! Improve your cycling, and supplement your overall training program. Importantly, get ready for the 2011 triathlon race season. Once the program starts, the Grizzly Triathlon will only be three months away!

TRITON MULTIRIDER PROGRAM – $180 for 4 months ($160 payable to 4800 Gym for venue use, $20 payable to Bozeman Triathlon Club for general maintenance, ride accessories, etc.). Group riding platform for eight riders on eight CompuTrainers. Program capacity is limited – only 16 memberships available. First come, first serve. Program includes: (1) Triton members only, exclusive Triton coached rides at 6:00 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays by volunteer Triton Coaches Laurie Thatcher, Tony Thatcher, and Matt Parks; (2) Triton members only, exclusive Triton programmed, long group ride at 10:00 AM on Saturdays; and (3) Unlimited rides during open hours at 4800 Gym. For all rides, members shall schedule seats for each time slot in advance, via the Tritons scheduling program available on the Club blog. Members shall schedule only one coached ride each week. More specifically, select the Tuesday or Thursday ride during a given week, not both. Seats are available on a first come, first serve basis. Program will run for 17 weeks from January 18th to May 14th at 4800 Gym. 4800 Gym is located at 507 Bond Street, Bozeman, Montana

TRITON COMPUTRAINER PROGRAM – Free – Single rider platform. As a sponsor of the Bozeman Tritons, 4800 Gym provides space for this Triton-owned equipment for Triton member use, free-of-charge, primarily during open hours.

PROGRAM RESERVATIONS — To reserve your spot on the Triton MultiRider Program and make the necessary $180 payment, please contact Tony Thatcher by email at or . These programs are available to Triton members only. Membership information is available at

The Bozeman Triathlon Club thanks CompuTrainer and 4800 Gym for sponsoring the Club and this indoor cycling program. Additional information about our sponsors is available at and, respectively.

We look forward to riding with you this winter! TRAIN ON.

Functional Threshold Test

Good morning, Tritons!  Great job yesterday to those who rode at CrossFit 4800 and did their threshold test.  As promised, I wanted to further explain how you can calculate your power zones (similar to your heart rate zones) for training purposes.  But first, I will explain the test and some things you want to consider when you take the test next time.

Warm-up:  Approx 30 minutes (15 min easy spin, 5 min hard – but not all out, 5 min easy spin, 3 min hard, 1 min easy spin).  You want to always do the same warmup for your tests.  Keep everything as consistent as you can.  If you ride at 6 pm, then ride at 6 pm for all your same tests.  By keeping all aspects consistent, you are ensuring that you are getting good and accurate results of where your fitness level is at.  Don’t forget to also get the same amount of rest before each test.

Main set:  20 minutes of as hard as you can go.  Remember, in order to get faster on the bike, you need to not only get stronger but also get more efficient on the bike.  While everyone should always strive to improve their power on the bike, they should first consider their efficiency first before they concern themselves with their average wattage.  If you are on a triathlon bike, ride the bike as you would in a race – get into your aerobars.  You are not very efficient by sitting up and “mashing” the pedals. 

Functional Threshold Power (FTP) is your average wattage for the 20-minute test minus 5%.  This gives a more precise estimate for your FTP, which usually encompasses a 60-minute test.

Cool-down:  5 minutes of easy spinning.

Power zones (from Training and Racing with a Power Meter by Hunter Allen and Andrew Coggan)

Active Recovery             <55% of FTP

Endurance                         56-75% of FTP

Tempo                                 76-90% of FTP

Lactate Threshold          91-105% of FTP

VO2 Max                             106-120% of FTP

Note:  From my personal experience (both training and coaching), don’t get yourselves wrapped up in numbers.  I know that some of us are very analytical, and love to crunch numbers and get everything dialed in, which is GOOD…if applied properly.  If you are this type of person, channel most of that energy into your race-day nutrition (especially you long-course athletes).  As far as exercising and workouts go, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY.  Most, if not all, elite-level athletes do train with a purpose…but they train also by how they feel.  DON’T BE A SLAVE TO THE NUMBERS!!  Monitor your heart rate first, then make note of your wattage.

Hope this helps.  Happy training everyone.


Triton Members Only – Special CrossFit 4800 Winter Programs!



CrossFit 4800 is a proud sponsor of the Bozeman Triathlon Club, and we are delighted to announce that we are offering the following winter training, CrossFit 4800 membership programs for Bozeman Triton members. Triton programs commence on Monday, January 4, 2010. Triton members will receive the following rates, a 20% discount off our new regular rates, which will be published and go into effect on January 1, 2010. As an additional option, Tritons wishing to start the CrossFit 4800 strength training program earlier, on Monday, November 30th, may do so following these program guidelines and pricing.

Capacity for these programs is limited. The MultiRider programs and the Strength Training Elements Course will initially be made available exclusively to Bozeman Triton members. CrossFit 4800 plans to offer only 16 MultiRider memberships. Unsold MultiRider memberships will be made available to the public, beginning January 1, 2010. CrossFit 4800 will continue the MultiRider programs in response to demand, and likely through the end of April 2010 when triathletes and cyclists begin to shift to outdoor training. All rates are based on automatic payment memberships. Month to month payments will not be accepted.

Additional information on CrossFit 4800 is available at If Triton members have any questions or would like to make program reservations, please contact CrossFit 4800 Owner Jeremy Henrichon by email at or by phone at 406-570-5417.

MULTIRIDER PROGRAM – $40 Month – Only 16 Memberships Available. First come, first serve. Program includes: (1) Triton Members Only, exclusive Triton coached rides at 6pm on Tue and Thu (2) Triton Members Only, exclusive Triton programmed, long group ride at 10am on Sat. (3) Programmed group rides at 6pm on Mon, Wed, and Fri. (4) Unlimited rides during open hours. For all rides, members shall schedule seats for each time slot in advance, via . Members shall schedule only one coached ride each week. More specifically, select the Tue or Thu ride during a given week, not both. Seats are available on a first come, first serve basis.

BOZEMAN TRIATHLON CLUB COMPUTRAINER PROGRAM – Free – As a sponsor of the Bozeman Tritons, CrossFit 4800 is pleased to continue to house, schedule, maintain, and offer this Triton-owned equipment for Triton member use, free-of-charge, primarily during open hours.

STRENGTH TRAINING PROGRAM – $85 Month, commencing upon completion of below Elements Course – CrossFit Strength training classes. Check them out at All new members and returning members will be required to attend the following intro level, one-month long “Elements” course.

STRENGTH TRAINING ELEMENTS COURSE PROGRAM – $95 One-time Charge – Triton course begins Monday, January 4th. Required for all new and returning members. This course serves as an introduction to the barbell movements such as squats, dead lifts, presses, and cleans, along with accessory plyometric, kettle bell, and mobility drills. The Elements course is imperative to safe and successful training for you, the trainers, and the other athletes. This will also include an intro to our training philosophy and nutrition plans. Classes run Mon, Wed, and Fri evenings at 6pm. Each athlete is required to be present for 8 out of these 9 sessions or they must repeat the entire course the following month. Elements course exclusive to Triton members will begin on Monday, Jan 4th.

MULTIRIDER & STRENGTH TRAINING COMBINATION PROGRAM – $115 Month – Rate for Strength Training and MultiRider Cycling.

SPRING HYBRID CYCLING/TRIATHLON TRAINING PROGRAM – $195 Total – An 8-week strength for endurance program starting the beginning of March. This class will incorporate functional strength training concepts along with cycling specific workouts in a hybrid format, and will be designed and periodized for the needs of competitive endurance athletes who are about to enter their season. CrossFit “Elements” and at least one month of CrossFit strength training will be a prerequisite for these advanced classes.